Getting down to the ‘root’ of plant-based eating
It’s no secret that we should be eating less meat and dairy and be munching on more veggies instead. Not only to keep our bodies healthy and nourished but also from an environmental point of view, the impact that meat and dairy production has on the environment is becoming a catastrophic problem.
FoodieApp Short: 'A wee problem' with asparagus
Have you noticed that your pee smells funky after eating asparagus? Turns out, you’re not alone...
Getting a Grip on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, climate change has been a topic that everyone’s been talking about from Sir David Attenborough to your next-door neighbour Deborah... and for good reason too.
FoodieApp Short: Coriander – Love or Loath?
Coriander is one of those things; you either love it or loath it… there is no in-between. Coriander is a herb sometimes referred to as cilantro, and it’s been known to have a specific characteristic…
FoodieApp Short: 'Go Fig-ure!' – Figs are partly made by wasps!
Figs aren’t a fruit but rather an inverted flower, which means all the plant’s reproductive parts are located inside the pod. So how do they get pollinated?
FoodieApp Short: What a fungie-talkie!
Figs aren’t a fruit but rather an inverted flower, which means all the plant’s reproductive parts are located inside the pod. So how do they get pollinated?
FoodieApp Short: What are 'Mermaid' Lattes?
You might have seen this pretty blue beverage featuring on your Instagram feeds, and for a good reason! After all, they are aesthetically beautiful to look at and even more beautiful to drink.
FoodieApp Short: Explosive peanuts!
Did you know that peanuts can be used to make dynamite! Yes, it turns out these humble little nuts contain oil which can be processed to produce glycerol...
FoodieApp Short: 'Peeling' crafty?
Did you know that you can use leftover fruit and veggie peels (and even flowers) to dye fabric! Are you `peeling` crafty?
FoodieApp Short: How the radish was once used as currency!
We all know how to ‘walk like an egyptian’ *cue The Bangles* But how did Egyptians pay for stuff way back then when money wasn't a thing?
FoodieApp Short: 'Leaf it alone' – Rhubarb leaves are actually toxic
Love a delicious homemade rhubarb pie? We sure do! But there’s one part of the plant that is toxic if consumed...
Welcome to FoodieApp
An intro post covering the What? Why? of the FoodieApp.